• Stable operator 

Horse wellness in a professional boarding operation

Expand your services with an OXYGEN brine box to provide inhalation treatment for your boarding horses!
Whether a fixed brine-oxygen box or the mobile horse inhalation solution for rent -
Your boarders will be delighted!

Optimise the quality of life of your boarding horses!

In recent years, respiratory problems and allergic reactions have also increased in horses – not least due to environmental factors and changing weather conditions. As a result, it is also becoming increasingly difficult for operators of boarding stables to create suitable conditions for these problems, especially when it comes to the management of  sport horses. Our OXYGEN sea climate can really support you here!

Perfect USP

With OXYGEN horse inhalation, you can raise your business to the next level of quality - your boarders will be happy! Easy to use – with a coin-operated mechanism if required – low care and maintenance costs. Long-term availability even in severe cases, ongoing prevention for horses not currently suffering from problems or simply as a means to relax. Healthy and fresh, full of strength and energy thanks to the OXYGEN sea climate – delivered directly from your own stable!

A tailored solution, even for your company

We will find the perfect inhalation solution for any space restrictions and requirements. From very simple adaptations and low budgets to a fully equipped wellness oasis for horses.

OXYGEN brine oxygen inhalation in a box, a barrel or, if you prefer, mobile in the trailer – supported by perfect hygiene management for effective disinfection with our natural, salt-based alcohol-free disinfectant – completely harmless, highly effective and very easy to use - just spray on, no wiping!


 For more details

Come to us direct!

What our


    I bought the horse inhalation system for my two Arab horses two years ago and installed it in a modern trailer. Since then, the two have used this trailer for spa treatments, and they really like it. The older of the two (24 years) has COB and we can see from the expression and suppressed urge to move when a treatment is needed again ... it seems to stimulate kidney detoxification too, since they always have to pee immediately afterwards. The positive effect on muscle metabolism is also clearly visible through better mobility and joie de vivre... I'm really happy that I’ve bought this great system! We are also happy to rent the trailer out for other horses!

    - Cavallfit -

    Kimbarjano, a 5-year-old gelding, received treatment with negatively charged ionised oxygen in connection with ultrasonically nebulised brine from the Dead Sea (over about 4 weeks). He was suffering from a bad cough and produced a lot of mucus. Kimbarjano finished his first race after a 2-year break in 4th place. This was very striking. So far, he has run another two races, in which he finished in 6th and 2nd place. The inhalation treatment significantly improved his performance and his coughing is much reduced.

    - Martina Grünewald -

    I had to break off a three-day ride last summer because my horse was coughing so much on the last morning. When I got home, a vet diagnosed a hay allergy and, in consultation with the vet, I began to use the horse inhalation brine nebuliser every day. After a few days the cough was much weaker and now my horse is practically cough-free and doing very well. Long rides are no longer a problem. So I am very grateful that I met Ms. Klauenberg and her concept of horse inhalation and that I trusted her.

    - Carlo Paulus -


OxygenConcept Klauenberg GmbH
Hildesheimer Straße 30/31a
38114 Braunschweig


Phone: +49 (0) 531 615 79 600
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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